
글로벌 링크

Petitions and Complaints


Civil petitions are residents’ hopes or ideas for improvement in relation to county affairs that are submitted in the form of document. The petitioners can file their petitions to the county council with the recommendation by a member of the council in the following cases:

  • Indemnification of damages
  • Demand for correction of corruption or for disciplinary actions or punishment against public servants
  • Establishing, revising or abolishing laws, orders and rules.
  • Operation of public processes or facilities
  • Other matters under the jurisdiction of certain public institutions

The matters that may have an impact on a trial or that go against the law; the message that is insulting to council members or public institutions; or two or more petitions submitted by a single person to the same institution or a single petition submitted to two ore more institutions are not accepted.

Petition Handling Process

Through the process, final deliberations and decisions are made on important matters for the local government such as the burden borne by residents, establishment of ordinances, local government operations, etc.


Complaint form

A complaint form can be submitted without a council member’s recommendation in various formats, such as the documented complaints, suggestions, requests, pleadings, inquiries, and appeals, as there is no specific format required. Unlike petitions, the handling process of a complaint is not explicitly specified in the law, but the county council ensures that complaints are handled in a speedy manner.

Accepted Complaint Forms

The secretary general of the council reviews them and determines the process to handle the complaints, and the results are approved by the chairperson of the council and notified to the people who filed the complaints. The matters that are seen as important or that require expertise are referred to the competent standing committees (or special committees) for deliberation, and the handling process and results are approved by the committee chairperson, reported to the council chairperson, and then notified to the people who filed the complaint.