
글로벌 링크

Ethical Code of Conducts for Council Members

Code of Ethics for Pyeongchang-gun Council Members (Paragraph 1 of Article 4)

As the representatives of the citizens of Pyeongchang-gun, we, Pyeongchang-gun Council members, shall dutifully fulfill our duties, deeply understand the importance of protecting the right of self-government and the fact that the fundamentals of democracy originate from ourselves and observe the followings to make our best efforts for the improvement of our citizens’ rights and interests and regional development:

  • 1. As the representatives of the citizens of Pyeongchang-gun, we shall remain dignified and reputable and dutifully represent them in respect of their voices.
  • 1. As volunteers for the citizens of Pyeongchang-gun, we shall dutifully fulfill our duties to improve their welfare and protect their rights and interests under the motto of ‘Public Interests First’.
  • 1. We shall NOT exert undue influence or seek unfair profits by taking advantage of our power and take the initiative in living righteous and upright lives.
  • 1. We shall keep working hard to build an epitome of a fair and reasonable council under the principles of democracy for balanced regional development, exceeding regional self-centeredness.
  • 1. We shall keep making our best efforts to achieve an accountable and democratic council in which we always stay responsible for our official and personal acts.